Artist Submissions

Submission Guidelines

Thank you for your interest in Studio Oh! We are always looking for new and creative artwork to feature on our products. If you would like to have your art considered for use on our products, please submit samples of your artwork to our senior art director by following the guidelines below.

  1. Before submitting your artwork to us, please review our products and the types of art styles we use. If you feel that your artwork fits our style and brand, continue to Step 2.
  2. Send a PDF file of art samples that best represent your work to Your file should contain no more than five letter-size pages. Please DO NOT send multiple emails or separate JPEG files; if we would like to see additional samples, we will contact you.
  3. Due to the high volume of submissions we receive, we unfortunately cannot reply to everyone. Please do not call our office; if we are interested in using your artwork, we will contact you.

Thank you for your interest in Orange Circle Studio and Studio Oh!