Baby Essentials

Baby Essentials
Mr. Happy security blanket flat lat with mr. happy plush on top
Little Miss Sunshine Reversible Blanket rolled up with tag
Mr. Happy Swaddle blanket set of two in box
Little Miss Sunshine Swaddle Blanket set of 2 in box
Set of 3 Mr Happy Baby socks attached to mesh case
Mama and Baby Mr. Happy socks attached to hang tag
Set of Mama and Baby Little Miss Sunshine attached to hang tag
Mr. Happy silicone bib attached to hang tag
Little Miss Sunshine silicone bib attached to tag
Mr. Happy silicone teether ring and detachable clip on cardboard hang tag
Little Miss Sunshine Silicone Teether ring with detachable clip on cardboard tag
Little Miss Sunshine security blanket flat lay with little miss sunshine plush on top
Mr. Happy Reversible Blanket rolled up with tag
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